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Posted by: Monster Beats By dr. dre | 05/16/2012 at 05:47 AM
to be honest my frindes have beats and i bought souls to be different but after hearing the beats and the souls hands down i pick the souls. dont get me wrong beats and souls are both very good headphones but from what iv experienced beats have good audio but not great audio and in order to cover the fact that there audio isnt the greatest they just have really heavy bass and when you have that it makes up for your audio problems because you cant hear that much detail over the bass. as for the souls there audio just stands out to me because when first putting them on i was just expecting regular famous people quality headphones but really what i got was a very very clear sound. there base isnt as heavy as the beats but its close enough to where you can hear it leveled out with the rest of the audio over all its just a really balanced sound plus the souls have a high and low gain switch that makes them sound as good as they possibly can which i think in my opinion beats the pros out. in comfort there both about the same but the souls have a quilted headband and you dont think it makes a difference but believe me it does when you wear them for a while. as far as looks and features go beats seam more mainstream but souls seam more stylish to me. i hope this helps some people. *** MAKE SHURE BEFOR YOU SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THESE HEADPHONES THAT YOU LISTEN TO THEM A LOT FOR A COUPLE DAYS SO THAT YOU CAN BURN THE HEADPHONES IN (BURN IN SIMPLY MEANS THAT WHEN YOU FIRST BUY THEM EVERYTHINGS BRAND NEW AND NEVER USED SO ITS NOT GUNNA SOUND LIKE IT WILL WHEN THE BASS IN THE HEADPHONES IS LOOSENED AND ITS ALL COPESTETIC IN THERE) ***
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